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How A Virtual Assistant Can Help You With Your Side Hustle


Barnaby Lashbrooke

Founder and CEO of Time etc, author of The Hard Work Myth

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As the cost of living continues to rise, more people are turning to side hustles to supplement their income and pursue their passions.

But while the way we work may be changing, the number of hours we have each day stays the same.

If you're among the 39% of US adults or the 47% of UK adults who have taken on additional gigs outside their day jobs, you likely know just how tough it can be to juggle these added commitments with your main responsibilities.

With time already stretched thin, this usually means making tough choices about how you'll spend it.

Make your side hustle your top priority, and your well-being and relationships could suffer. Make it your lowest priority, and you could miss out on achieving its full potential, and all the benefits that come with it.

This is where hiring a virtual assistant (VA) can make all the difference. With their support, you can strike the balance you need to make sure nothing slips through the cracks.

The benefits of hiring a virtual assistant for your side hustle

Before we dive into how virtual assistants can help you manage your side hustle and boost your chances of success, let's break down who they are and what they do.

A virtual assistant is a skilled professional who provides administrative, executive, or clerical support to clients from a remote location, typically from their own home office.

Now, let's get into the key benefits of hiring a virtual assistant.

You can invest more time in your side hustle...

Let's be honest, sometimes doing more work after a long shift at your day job can be a lot easier said than done. And when you only have yourself to be accountable for, it's easy to fall into the habit of “I'll do it tomorrow...” or “I’ll get around to it soon…”

If you're happy working on your side project every now and then, that's perfectly fine. But if you want to run a profitable side hustle and maximize the extra money you can earn, the more effort you put into it, the more you'll get out of it.

Side Hustle Nation recently surveyed its members about their own side hustles and found a clear connection between the hours invested and the income generated.

Of those who reported earning less than $100 a month, 75% admitted to spending only 0-5 hours a week on their side gig. This shows that when time is limited, so too are the returns.

On the flip side, the survey found that 85% of those making $500 or more each month were dedicating at least 5 hours a week to their side hustle.

These figures tell us one thing: time is money. Carving out even a few extra hours each week could make a world of difference.

...without sacrificing your work-life balance

No matter what kind of side hustle you’re running, there's no denying that some tasks will always need to be done in order for it to run smoothly. But the good news is, these tasks don't need to be done by you.

It’s easy to feel overwhelmed by your endless to-do lists, but maintaining a healthy work-life balance is vital—not just for your well-being, but also for the success of your side hustle.

You deserve to enjoy your downtime and recharge without feeling guilty about putting your side project on the back burner.

With a virtual assistant in your corner, you can enjoy your much-needed personal time without the nagging worry of falling behind. It’s not just about lightening your workload, it's about creating space for what really matters to you, both in your business and beyond.

You save money on hiring

Hiring a full-time employee to help with your side hustle may not be financially feasible, so outsourcing tasks to a virtual assistant can be a real game-changer for those needing an extra set of hands.

We all know that hiring full-time employees isn't just about their salaries—you also have to consider benefits like health insurance, retirement plans, paid time off, and other perks. On top of that, the costs of maintaining an office space, providing equipment, and paying for utilities can really add up.

But here's the good news: by working with a virtual assistant, you can sidestep many of these expenses. Virtual assistants usually operate as independent contractors, so you only pay for the hours they work or the specific tasks they handle. There's no need to worry about ongoing costs like benefits or office overhead because VAs typically work remotely using their own equipment.

This cost-effective strategy also makes it easier to bring in extra help when you need it and scale back when you don't, which takes us on to...

You get flexible and scalable support

Due to the independent nature of their work, a virtual assistant offers more flexibility than most traditional hires. You can easily adjust their hours to fit your workload, giving you the freedom to scale up or down as your business needs change. This adaptability is perfect for side hustles or growing businesses, allowing you to expand without the commitment of full-time staff.

Whether you need part-time or full-time support, a freelance virtual assistant can step in based on your needs. This means you get the help you need during busy times and can scale back when things are slower—all without the stress of managing permanent employees.


How can a virtual assistant help you with your side hustle?

So, what exactly can a virtual assistant do for you?

The answer really depends on what your business needs, but here are some of the most common ways virtual assistants support side hustlers.

General administrative tasks

While they may not be the most thrilling part of running your own business, simple administrative tasks like managing your inbox, organizing your calendar, and inputting data into spreadsheets are essential to keeping things running smoothly.

These tasks may seem minor, but when it comes to your productivity and work-life balance, they're wolves in sheep's clothing.

If you were to take a closer look at how your time is spent, you might notice that a significant chunk is spent ticking off the same tasks day after day, week after week. In fact, according to a recent survey, the average business owner needs an additional four hours in each working day to complete all the admin tasks on their to-do list.

And this is where hiring a virtual assistant can make a world of difference. Imagine getting those hours back every week!

See: 50 Tasks You Can Outsource To A Virtual Assistant To Save Time In Your Business


Besides handling your day-to-day admin tasks, this is another area where virtual assistants can really shine. As the saying goes, "Knowledge is power," and research forms the backbone of any successful business, providing the insights and data needed to make the best decisions.

However, when you're juggling multiple responsibilities in your busy schedule, research often becomes one of those time-consuming tasks that gets put off time and time again.

So, whether you need insights on market trends, a deep dive into your competitors, or finding the best suppliers, a VA has got you covered.

If you want to get to know your audience inside out, a VA can create surveys, sift through the results, and turn all that data into useful insights. This helps you fine-tune your products or services so you can meet your customers’ needs more effectively.

A virtual assistant can also explore your competitors’ strategies, pricing, and marketing tactics, giving you a clear picture of where you stand. This helps you spot opportunities and set your offerings apart from the rest.

And if sourcing materials or finding the right vendors is part of your side hustle, a virtual assistant can take the reins here, too. They can look into suitable suppliers, compare prices, and make sure you’re getting the best deals. This not only saves you time but also helps you make smart choices that can boost your bottom line.


Marketing and social media management

You might have the best product or service out there, but if no one knows about it, it's like a tree falling in a forest with no one around to hear it!

Effective marketing is the bridge that connects you to potential new clients and customers, so it comes as little surprise to hear that small business owners spend around six hours a week on social media alone—that’s almost a whole workday!

This is another area where a virtual assistant can be your best friend. They’ll deal with:

  • Social media management: A skilled virtual assistant can create and schedule posts, engage with your audience, and monitor analytics to make sure your social media game is always on point. Additionally, virtual assistants with basic graphic design experience can create eye-catching graphics and logos to help your posts stand out across your social media platforms.
  • Email marketing: A VA can handle everything from crafting newsletters to segmenting your audience, ensuring that your messages reach the right people at the right time. They can also help you design on-brand templates and track the performance of your campaigns.
  • Content creation: Whether you need blog posts, videos, or graphics, a virtual marketing assistant can help you create content that showcases your expertise and attracts your ideal customers. They can research topics, write engaging copy, and design visuals that make your brand stand out.

Just keep in mind that while a virtual assistant can implement your existing marketing strategies, creating new ones would require a specialist or a consultant. But with a virtual assistant on your team, you’ll have more time to brainstorm those big ideas and take your side hustle to the next level!


With the global e-commerce market set to hit a whopping $6.3 trillion in 2024, there's no denying that online retail is a fantastic opportunity for businesses big and small. But let’s be real—running an e-commerce operation can be a bit of a juggling act, with so many tasks and details to keep track of.

That’s why you need a virtual assistant. They can take over order processing from start to finish—confirming customer details, tracking shipments, and handling everything in between.

When it comes to inventory, an experienced VA can make sure you're always covered. They can keep an eye on stock levels, update product availability on your site, and even place orders when supplies run low. This proactive approach means your customers can always find what they’re looking for, and you don't have to miss out on any sales.

Plus, they can handle invoicing and inventory management, so your cash flow stays steady and you avoid annoying payment delays.


Customer service

When you’ve put in the hard work to attract customers to your venture, the next step is to make sure they feel valued and heard. High-quality customer service is one of the key ingredients that turns one-time buyers into loyal fans who keep coming back for more.

However, providing this top-notch service can take a considerable amount of time, energy, and manpower—things that are often in short supply for side hustlers.

By delegating customer service tasks to a skilled VA, you can make sure that every customer inquiry is promptly addressed, support tickets are managed efficiently, and follow-ups are handled with care.

This consistent and professional experience for your customers helps to build trust and satisfaction, while you're free to focus on what matters most.

Tips for balancing your virtual assistant with your full-time job

Hiring a VA is just the first step. To make the most out of the relationship, you’ll need to manage it effectively, which can be tricky when balancing a day job.

So, here's how you can get the most out of your virtual assistant without adding stress to your day.

  • Prepare ahead of time: The more organized you are, the smoother your collaboration will be. Set aside time each week to outline tasks for your VA. This preparation helps them understand your expectations and reduces back-and-forth communication.
  • Delegate recurring tasks: Identify tasks that you perform regularly and delegate them to your VA. Whether it's managing social media posts, responding to customer inquiries, or handling invoicing, offloading these tasks can free up significant time for you.
  • Write detailed instructions: Create step-by-step guides for recurring tasks. This not only saves time but also ensures consistency in how tasks are completed. Clear instructions help your VA work independently, allowing you to focus on your primary job.
  • Establish regular communication: Set specific times to check in with your VA, such as during lunch breaks or after work. Regular communication helps address any questions they may have and keeps both of you aligned on priorities and deadlines.


What's the bottom line?

The demands of a day job, combined with the responsibilities of a side gig, can quickly leave you feeling overwhelmed and stretched thin.

With clear communication and regular check-ins, a virtual assistant can become a valuable partner, helping you streamline your workload and reclaim your time.

Whether they’re taking care of general admin tasks or leveraging social media sites to expand your client network, a VA lets you focus on what you love most about your venture.

It’s all about finding that sweet spot where your side hustle thrives, and you do too.

So, if you want to make sure your passion projects don't come at the cost of your personal well-being, virtual assistant services could be just what you need for your side hustle.

Ready to take the next step?

Speak to our expert team, and we’ll handle everything from there!

We understand how valuable your time and resources are, so by working with us, you’ll save between three to six weeks of searching for the perfect assistant and up to 90% of the costs compared to hiring in-house!

We’re ready to set you up with a professional assistant based on the skills and experience you need, so get in touch today.

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About the author

Barnaby Lashbrooke is the founder and CEO of Virtual Assistant service Time etc as well as the author of The Hard Work Myth, recently recommended by Sir Richard Branson. Barnaby is a Forbes Columnist on productivity and is also an accomplished entrepreneur, selling more than $35 million worth of services.

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